DETERMINED. Create New Year resolutions that work while feeling happy and whole.

As the New Year is approaching, we begin to think about the things we want to improve on in the new year and set goals to exercise more, eat healthier, read more, etc. 

Somewhere around December 31st and January 1st, we write down our New Year resolutions. We find a special place for the list and feel very inspired.

We get to work and everything goes well for the first few weeks. Maybe a couple of months.

Then something happens...

We get distracted, have too much work, get a cold, other priorities come up. And majority if not all of the “I will …” items on the list find themselves on hold, on a back burner.

We may feel disappointed in and unhappy with ourselves. We may turn to self-blame and more self-discipline. We may not feel anything at all as we immerse ourselves in more work and other priorities that feel more important.

There is a reason why it happens. It’s not because you can’t keep up or you don’t have the willpower.

For the New Year resolutions to “stick around" and work, they need to be activated and anchored from a place of your amazing inner self.

In this program, you will:

  • Discover what gets in the way of staying true to your New Year resolutions.
  • How to clear often hidden patterns and beliefs that sabotage staying the course.
  • Learn powerful practices and tools to achieve your New Year resolutions while feeling happy and whole.

The transformational concepts, practices, and tools you will learn and apply have been developed by Anna Annette blending psychology, human energy, nature, and art. They are life-long tools. 

Space is limited.

Program Format: Self-study

  • 4 modules with teachings of concepts, transformative meditations, and experiential exercises.
  • Recorded transformative meditations you can practice with on your own schedule.
  • Workbook, worksheets, exercises
  • Support via e-mail.


You will have access to the first module immediately after signing up. 

Other modules will open weekly. 

Program Leader

Anna Annette

I can’t wait to dive in and guide you on this remarkable and transformational journey!  Anna Annette

We look forward to seeing you on the inside.

If you’d like to bring this program to your organization, please email or schedule a call here to discuss >>