Testimonials - Anna's group and 1:1 programs

Personal Growth, Inner Peace, and Change Resilience programs

I am honored and delighted to share my heartfelt testimonial for Anna Annette, who has played an instrumental role in transforming my life in ways I never thought possible.

When I first embarked on my journey of self-discovery and personal growth, I was met with uncertainty and a myriad of challenges. It was during this time that I had the privilege of working with Anna, who demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to guiding me through both the highs and lows of my personal and professional life.

Anna possesses a unique ability to create a safe and judgment-free space, allowing me to open up and explore the depths of my thoughts and emotions. Her insightful questions and empathetic listening fostered an environment of self-reflection and self-awareness, enabling me to confront and overcome obstacles that once seemed insurmountable.

What sets Anna apart is her holistic approach to coaching and therapy. She seamlessly integrates various techniques and methodologies tailored to my individual needs. Whether it was goal-setting, mindfulness practices, or cognitive-behavioral strategies, Anna consistently provided me with practical tools and perspectives that empowered me to navigate life's complexities with newfound resilience and confidence.

Beyond her professional expertise, Anna is a compassionate and genuine individual who genuinely cares about her clients’ well-being. Her unwavering support and encouragement have been a constant source of inspiration, motivating me to push beyond my comfort zone and strive for personal excellence.

I am immensely grateful for the positive impact Anna has had on my life. Through her guidance, I have not only overcome challenges but have also discovered my strengths and passions, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven existence.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Anna to anyone seeking a dedicated and skilled professional to accompany them on their journey toward personal growth and transformation. Thank you, Anna, for being an invaluable ally in my pursuit of a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

1:1 Client

…just really want to say thank you for today! It really was great! Really appreciate your calming demeanor and I think everyone responded well and I loved the participation!  27 people in this meeting, but the reach will be felt much further than the group today!  Thank you again!

Program Leader


"Everyone loved it."

Lisa Jacobi, Chief of HR at COCC


We had the opportunity for Anna to come out for a few team sessions at COCC. Most recently, she ran a mindfulness session for our entire HR team. It was a fantastic exercise for the team to break away from the day-to-day and go through a session together. Personally, I think it was great that we did it on a Friday afternoon together to start the weekend with a clear mind! The small group breakout sessions were great too. Definitely a different approach to mindfulness with plants!

Lisa Jacobi, Chief of HR at COCC


The best training I've ever taken.

Various participants


Anna’s facilitation of the sessions showcased her expertise in the topic together with her mastery of the learning process, yielding a powerful and relevant program that could be immediately applied to current challenges.

Peter Miller, Change Management Leader, Raytheon Technologies


Empowering ourselves to grow with "self-coaching" techniques in today's climate of multiple changes is one description of Anna's 5-step "The Flow To Transformation" system. I have participated in her class in different settings and always walked away stronger in my ability to tap into my inner power and to make better decisions from a place of calm and inspiration. Anna's background in psychology and business finance helped develop this approach that's been used for years with both individuals and organizational teams.

Bill McClain, Author of "Strategic Planning In This Age Of Disruption", Managing Partner, Strategic Partner Business Advisors, LLC


“….it was a great message to employees that we want them to embrace wellbeing.”

ERG Leader

" For years, I have had others tell me, “what you focus on is delivered.” I believed them, just not wholeheartedly, until I met Anna. I started my journey with Anna about a year ago, and I can tell you I have never felt better.
When I started working with her, I was taking a course on writing courses, which was fabulous, so I enrolled in another course, and what began from there was a journey into learning to tap into my own power, my own resources, my own peace.
The incredible transformation of feeling into pain, and coming out of it with clarity, has been life changing for me. She gives you tools and guidance to help strengthen your core, and resolve your inner turmoil; which, in turn, helps you navigate your life in a more peaceful, harmonious way; while achieving results you never thought possible.
I can’t recommend Anna’s work highly enough, she is truly a gift."



"Anna gets to the heart of the matter in every issue she addresses. I am continually blown away by what can get dealt with using an activation. After an activation I feel calm, grounded and confident. They really help strengthen my connection to self, and realign with my natural state. Anna is so respectful of everyone's journey. I admire her expertise, commitment, and passion. I highly recommend her."



"I have been working on my situation for 2 years and have not learned or accomplished what you did in these three times we met. For this, Thank You!"

T. (Breakthrough program)


"I feel that you genuinely connect with me, want to help and are determined to see the progress. Thank You!"

T. (Breakthrough program)


"For me, this has been magical. Growing every day. It’s been only 2 weeks and I’ve seen changes. I’m very thankful I found you.”

J. (Breakthrough program)


I'm so grateful for your program. It changed my life.
J. (Breakthrough program)
The vision program revealed emotions behind my disappointments of what I had not accomplished in the past, or haven't accomplished yet, that was setting limits on how I dream in the present. The vision program a way to reveal what might really be in the way.



Participants' takeaways in the Flow to Transformation workshop,
a framework for thriving during change:

Seeing “change” at a different angle changed my negative reactions to every time when I have to deal with “change”.  Now it’s exciting to work through change.

I learned that I am in control no matter the situation, I can drive to obtain good results.

In the Flow to Transformation workshop, the biggest learning for me was about empowering all team members to manage change from within – the importance of helping develop tools to give our people.


The Flow to Transformation workshop gave me a chance to slow down and think about things differently. I gained additional insights of what I am experiencing.  The psychological impact change has and how to open minds to positive things that await. 


Learning about the path to change and the process of the 5 steps was the most valuable.


The pace of changes in an organization have a major impact on the performance. The way in which the change is managed can mean the difference between success and failure.

We are so often thinking of about ourselves and our needs. To step inside the employees’ shoes, and really seek to understand their fears, wishes, and concerns is something I will do more of

What leaders see from the outside and how people feel from the inside.

We squash creativity and productivity by keeping / driving/ not allowing our staff to get out of their protective state.

Everyone needs purpose and to be in the relaxed state to be most creative and productive.

People cannot feel stressed and be productive.

Change does not have to include loss of productivity.

People can only be creative in their natural state and cannot be creative in a protective state.

Understanding protective behavior of others during the change process.

Learning how common the challenge of effecting change is.  I’m not alone.


Other feedback

Anna's learning design and teaching methods are designed in such an effective & impactful way that the learner (I) can stay engaged and take away insightful ...


It was a pleasure to attend your class… I wish there were more teachers like you out there.



Business Finance for Non-Financial Roles Programs

"I feel like I overcame the "fear" of learning finance. I was so nervous coming into this class, but I if I could talk to myself 6 weeks ago, I would tell me that I would learn more than I thought I could digest, and that I am very proud of myself. Thank you"



"I feel as if I now have a solid understanding of the financial ratios that are used at my company and why each of them is used. We just had our Q1 Earnings call and I was informing my peers of what everything meant."


I wanted to tell you that I learned so much and that this class pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of comprehending.



"…Now I will be able to see everything I do at work from an angle of finance as well, which I was not doing before. I truly learned the impact of HR on organization's goals, an important lesson I am taking away from this  class. Thank you!!!"



"I now understand what actually goes into the financial statements and on what side of it. I can now explain what the different parts of a financial statement are. I am no longer clueless!"



Course Creation for Entrepreneurs 

I have taken two courses with Anna, "Your Masterpiece Course" and "Course Creation Mastery."

Anna’s approach to guiding you is masterful! She provides a two-fold path, first she guides you with energy work to help you feel into your work, which has been a game changer for me, and then she provides a logical, clear path to help you look at your information and how to create a meaningful course.

By helping you clear your energy and what you think you “should” be doing into what feels right, opens you up to a much more creative, intuitive process.

Her knowledge in the Learning and Development field is vast and the logical way she teaches you to think about and outline a course is nothing short of brilliant.

Being a participant in her courses has helped bring clarity, creativity and order to my course.  What was becoming frustrating to me, has been transformed into an exciting, creative process.

Anna is a thoughtful, joyful, knowledgeable presence that helps you brainstorm, shows you possibilities, guides you not only through your course but also in setting it up and packaging it for the world to see.

I haven’t known Anna for a long time, but she has helped me in leaps and bounds over these past 6 months.  I highly recommend her process and her courses.

Debra M. Perillo


If you are wanting to design your dream course, Anna’s "Your Masterpiece Course" will help you achieve this goal.

In addition, learning from Anna was truly an enjoyable experience as she taught and guided you to bring out your best.

Her course helped me obtain clarity, organization, and gave me more confidence in knowing what I built will be comprehensive and expanded as needed.

Before taking Anna’s program, I had written and delivered my own program and delivered for my clients but I was always trying to do to much and not necessarily in the right order.

Anna taught me how to create my map, build out my topics, and how to deliver as a whole course.

Sonja Budreau, MBA CMC
Creator of the "Embrace Your Empowered Self" program
Creative Consulting



Anna’s course creation challenge was amazing.

The techniques she taught were exactly what I needed to start me on the path to completing my own course.

It helped me organize my thoughts into an outline that enabled me to visualize my course.

I can now use what Anna taught me about how to choose my topic by applying her topic mapping technique in my own course creation plan. These techniques will not only help me in my life but also in my business.

This challenge changed the way I felt about creating my own course. With Anna’s immense knowledge and expertise, I know that I can do this and that my course is going to be awesome.

Thanks, Anna.
Tammy Atchley
Parenting Coach


Anna, you are an incredible teacher.

Thank you so much for your wonderful, well prepared challenge.

Thank you for taking into consideration my whole being, and doing meditations that open our flow of creativity.

You have a gift of understanding people AND expertise.

I hope your business is very prosperous!

Thank you again.

Healthy Habits Happy Life
Private FB Group is Stronger, Leaner, Happier. 