Playfulness is Our Innate Need. Bring it Back to Life.

Playfulness is Our Innate Need. Bring it Back to Life.

Animals are born playful. They don't need to be taught that they need to play. They just do.

Children are born playful. They don't need to be told that they need to play. They just do.

Playfulness makes us feel happy, light, joyous, energetic, peaceful, and loving.

Playfulness makes us smile. 

Playfulness reduces stress and anxiety.

It opens up creativity, ease, positive thinking.

Bring it back to life, feel better and get your positive energy flow through you. 

A few ideas to bring playfulness back into your life:

Board games.

Construction games / Lego games

Theater and improvisational games

Outdoor games

On-the-go games

Play with children

Play with pets

Discovery museums, imaginariums, science museums, natural history museums

A zoo (if it doesn't make you said to see animals in secluded living conditions.)

Theme parks or water parks

Funny cartoons and movies

While smart phone apps offer a zillion of games to play, it is best to limit play time on screen. Playing in a real space moves energy better, helps feeling more open, lighter, and more expanded. 

Have fun!

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