Vibrant. Radiant. Self-Led

Unleash your innate radiance.

Feel vibrant and confident.

Be successful in ways meaningful to you.

Feel joy and wholeness in all areas of your life.

Trust yourself and your choices.

Set boundaries without guilt.

Pursue your dreams without the feeling of sacrifice, shame, and guilt.

Feel bigger and brighter.

Be confident in who you are and what you are here to do.

Feel good about yourself no matter what.

Trust your skills, talents, and gifts.

Feel whole and content.

Preserve your inner peace, balance.

Set free your creativity and cleverness.

Learn to hear and trust your intuition.

Be attuned and in your inner power.

Be, feel, live, work, create as Self-Led.

This and more is what we are set to achieve in this program.

Because you matter and you're meant to shine and be successful. From the inside out.

Welcome! I'm Anna Annette and I'm honored to invite you to this program that I designed to help women like you feel strong, free, powerful, unstoppable, and fully believe in themselves and their purpose.

In this program:

🌿 Discover why we feel the way we feel, why we react to life's events they way we do, and why we respond to challenges and opportunities the way we do.

🌿 Connect with your authentic, innate, amazing, confident Self.

🌿 Explore what makes you doubt yourself, what holds you back, what doesn't allow you to dream bigger and take action on those dreams.

🌿 Explore what makes you doubt yourself, what holds you back, what doesn't allow you to dream bigger and take action on your dreams.

🌿 Explore and clear feeling small, unvalued, unseen, unappreciated and judged and leap to feeling confident, strong, powerful and respected.

🌿 Tap into your natural superpower and your limitless potential.

🌿 You will learn tools and techniques that will transform your view of your potential, amplify trust in yourself, and heal and release what might be holding you back, make you doubt yourself, and don't allow you to step into the next level version of you that is:

Vibrant. Radiant. Whole. Content. Self-Led. From the
inside out.

🌿 You can practice these tools anytime and anywhere.

🌿 Anna developed these tools based on her own experiences, studying and practicing psychology and energy healing, and integrating them the laws of nature, art,
and teaching and coaching techniques that have created transformational results for her clients.

🌿 You will define what success means to you, connect with your beautiful soul and let it shine, fill your heart with self-love and acceptance and let it expand you, and comfort your mind to allow you to lead so your mind, heart, and soul co-create in unison.

Are you ready?

Topics we'll cover with practical transformational tools and techniques.

🌺 Transforming feeling small, unseen, excluded, disrespected to feeling confident, strong, valued, appreciated.

🌺 Leaping from feeling lost, stuck, not sure of what to do to confidence, inspiration, and clarity.

🌺 Turning being unhappy at work to happy self with clarity on your next steps.

🌺 Clearing fears to take steps to grow.

🌺 Gaining clarity on career / business path.

🌺 Transforming conflicts in personal and professional relationships to positive and flourishing.

🌺 Becoming confident and strong in interpersonal dynamics with colleagues, leaderships, friends, clients.

🌺Clearing feeling overwhelmed to content, at peace, and certain even in times of uncertainty.

🌺Handling difficult conversations with poise and grace.

🌺Trusting your choices and decisions.

🌺Setting boundaries without feeling guilty.

🌺Taking care of your own needs without guilt.

🌺Fully and unconditionally accepting yourself.

🌺Elevating your presence and stepping into the next level version of you as your new default state of being.

And much more. Upon registration, we will invite you to share situations, feelings, circumstances you would like to change or find a solution for.

Imagine yourself:

🌺 Feeling free, light, open, confident, fun, creative, unstoppable, unshakable.

🌺 Showing up with radiating presence.

🌺 Being in harmony inside and out.

🌺 Owning the room no matter how big or small.

🌺 Being invited to share your opinions and leadership.

🌺 Inspiring and empowering others creating a massive impact.

🌺 Knowing and feeling your power and ability to achieve anything your heart desires while feeling whole and happy.

Are you in?

Program Includes

This program is enriched with a variety of ways to learn, practice, and apply the tools and practices so you can get the best experience on your journey and maximize your results.

Self-Study Modules

With teachings that explain why we feel the way we feel, why we do/react the way we do/react, how to bring your amazing, radiant, vibrant presence to the surface from the inside out, and how to step into and be the next level version of you.

Monthly Virtual Live Sessions

Monthly virtual live sessions to learn, apply, and practice concepts and tools, ask questions, and experience real-time activations that clear obstacles, provide new insights, and help you experience shifts to the next level version of you.

Monthly Recorded Transformative Meditations

Created based on what's coming up for and experienced by the participants in real-life to heal, transcend, elevate, and amplify the amazing you.

Online Group

For questions, answers, inspiration, and support.

Worksheets and Materials

With exercises, journaling, reflections, reminders, and inspiration.

Monthly Healing Sessions

To release stress, restore inner peace, deepen healing and growth, and re-energize with practitioners of different healing modalities. 

  • Feel Seen, Supported, Accepted, and Held.

  • Feel Celebrated

  • Achieve Your Dreams with Radiance and Confidence while Feeling Whole and Happy

How Others Experienced Anna's Programs

Testimonials and Reflections

" For years, I have had others tell me, “what you focus on is delivered.” I believed them, just not wholeheartedly, until I met Anna. I started my journey with Anna about a year ago, and I can tell you I have never felt better.
When I started working with her, I was taking a course on writing courses, which was fabulous, so I enrolled in another course, and what began from there was a journey into learning to tap into my own power, my own resources, my own peace.
The incredible transformation of feeling into pain, and coming out of it with clarity, has been life changing for me. She gives you tools and guidance to help strengthen your core, and resolve your inner turmoil; which, in turn, helps you navigate your life in a more peaceful, harmonious way; while achieving results you never thought possible.
I can’t recommend Anna’s work highly enough, she is truly a gift."



"Anna gets to the heart of the matter in every issue she addresses. I am continually blown away by what can get dealt with using an activation. After an activation I feel calm, grounded and confident. They really help strengthen my connection to self, and realign with my natural state. Anna is so respectful of everyone's journey. I admire her expertise, commitment, and passion. I highly recommend her."



"I have been working on my situation for 2 years and have not learned or accomplished what you did in these three times we met. For this, Thank You!"

T. (Breakthrough program)


"I feel that you genuinely connect with me, want to help and are determined to see the progress. Thank You!"

T. (Breakthrough program)


"For me, this has been magical. Growing every day. It’s been only 2 weeks and I’ve seen changes. I’m very thankful I found you.”

J. (Breakthrough program)


The vision program revealed emotions behind my disappointments of what I had not accomplished in the past, or haven't accomplished yet, that was setting limits on how I dream in the present. The vision program a way to reveal what might really be in the way.



Anna’s facilitation of the sessions showcased her expertise in the topic together with her mastery of the learning process, yielding a powerful and relevant program that could be immediately applied to current challenges.

Peter Miller, Raytheon Technologies


I have taken two courses with Anna, "Your Masterpiece Course" and "Course Creation Mastery."

Anna’s approach to guiding you is masterful! She provides a two-fold path, first she guides you with energy work to help you feel into your work, which has been a game changer for me, and then she provides a logical, clear path to help you look at your information and how to create a meaningful course.

By helping you clear your energy and what you think you “should” be doing into what feels right, opens you up to a much more creative, intuitive process.

Her knowledge in the Learning and Development field is vast and the logical way she teaches you to think about and outline a course is nothing short of brilliant.

Being a participant in her courses has helped bring clarity, creativity and order to my course.  What was becoming frustrating to me, has been transformed into an exciting, creative process.

Anna is a thoughtful, joyful, knowledgeable presence that helps you brainstorm, shows you possibilities, guides you not only through your course but also in setting it up and packaging it for the world to see.

I haven’t known Anna for a long time, but she has helped me in leaps and bounds over these past 6 months.  I highly recommend her process and her courses.

Debra M. Perillo


If you are wanting to design your dream course, Anna’s Create Your Unforgettable Course will help you achieve this goal.

In addition, learning from Anna was truly an enjoyable experience as she taught and guided you to bring out your best.

Her course helped me obtain clarity, organization, and gave me more confidence in knowing what I built will be comprehensive and expanded as needed.

Before taking Anna’s program, I had written and delivered my own program and delivered for my clients but I was always trying to do to much and not necessarily in the right order.

Anna taught me how to create my map, build out my topics, and how to deliver as a whole course.

Sonja Budreau, MBA CMC
Creator of the "Embrace Your Empowered Self" program
Creative Consulting



I wanted to tell you that I learned so much and that this class pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of comprehending.



"It was a pleasure to attend your class… I wish there were more teachers like you out there."



Anna's learning design and teaching methods are designed in such an effective & impactful way that the learner (I) can stay engaged and take away insightful ideas.


Additional Details

- Live virtual sessions held at 12:30 pm EST. Duration 1 - 1.5 hours.

- Get access to the pre-work within 3 business days after sign-up. First self-study module - a week after.

Calls are on the fourth Wednesday of each month.*

* We take a break in live calls in August to integrate all learnings, expansion, and growth. We stay connected via e-mail and messages for any questions.

Program Leader

Anna Annette

Come as you are. We meet you where you are and take you to the vibrant, radiant, and successful you. It's time for you to feel free, whole, respected, valued, fulfilled, and shine from the inside out.  

Join now and get started right away.

Special price for a limited time.

If your situation requires a payment plan, please use payment plan options offered at checkout.

For the Women in Bio Members

We're proud to be a sponsor of the Women in Bio organization to support and empower women in life sciences. If you have been referred to this program by Women in Bio, please reach out to

"It will be an honor to be your guide on your remarkable journey."

Anna Annette

If you have any questions about the program, please email,

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Choose your desired duration. Special price is for a limited time and subject to change.

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Regular price $2,399.00 USD
Regular price $3,200.00 USD Sale price $2,399.00 USD
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Other Details

This Program is for

  • Corporate and organizational professionals, managers and leaders who don't want to feel stressed, unsure how to get to the next level, overwhelmed with uncertainty, lost and doubtful in their ability to succeed

    and who want to grow, contribute to the organization and its purpose, and succeed with joy, confidence and leadership.

  • Women who find themselves in stress, self-doubt, unsure how to change where they are at

    and who want to feel capable, powerful, strong, and successful.

  • Women who want to have a seat at the table with other decision makers, not to feel afraid to speak up, not to feel small, not deserving to be at the table, overpowered and intimidated 

    and who want to be confident, powerful, strong, contributing, heard and listened to.

  • Entrepreneurs and business owners who want stop holding back and doubting themselves

    and who want to feel progress, see results in their business, be confident in showing up, in growing in their community, and succeed.

  • Moms returning to work who don't want to doubt their skills and experience, afraid to ask for what they deserve, afraid they won't find a job, ready to settle for less

    and who want to actualize themselves, their purpose and limitless potential, grow, contribute, and be successful.

If you have any questions, not sure if this program is for you, reach out

You May Have Some Questions

Will this really work for me? 

This course works for anyone who is thinking about, starting to create, or has created and wants to improve a course to share their expertise and help others achieve their dreams.

If I cannot attend a live class (when it is offered), will I still be able to learn and work on my course?
Absolutely! Replays of live classes will be available. In addition, key concepts will be available as video lessons. Depending on the number of participants in the program and their geographical locations, we may schedule additional calls to accommodate different time zones.

I'm very busy right now with everything going on. What if I can't do everything each week?
You can do as much or as little as you can. You will have access to all content and recordings of calls for unlimited time. I will support you at where you are.

What is your refund policy?
I'm so confident in the value you will receive in this course, that I extend 100% guarantee.
If you completed all modules, all assignments, and asked for help when you needed it and have not seen results, we will refund 100% of your payment within 30 days of the program end. You will need to show us your completed work and we will process the refund.

I'm trying to make a decision if I should enroll. What do you recommend?
Tune in to what your biggest desires are. Follow your inner guidance. If you feel pulled, drawn, inspired, excited of possibilities this course will give you, I recommend that you join. Money and time will always find a solution when you make a decision based on your heart and soul's guidance.


Have more questions?

If you have other questions, not sure if something you need help with will be covered in the program, email us, so we can help you get clarity, set the direction, and see if this program will help you achieve your goals >>

How it Works

  • If your program includes pre-work, you will receive access to it inside the program portal within 48 hours upon enrollment.

  • You will receive access to the portal within 48 hours upon signing up.

  • If your program includes live sessions, call details will be posted in your portal and sent via e-mail.

  • If you have enrolled in our other programs in the past, you will be able to access them all from the same portal.


I'm so confident in the value you will receive in this course, that I extend 100% guarantee.

If you completed all modules, all assignments, and asked for help when you needed it and have not seen results, we will refund 100% of your payment within 30 days of the program end. You will need to show us your completed work and we will process the refund.

Testimonials and Client Experiences

" For years, I have had others tell me, “what you focus on is delivered.” I believed them, just not wholeheartedly, until I met Anna. I started my journey with Anna about a year ago, and I can tell you I have never felt better.
When I started working with her, I was taking a course on writing courses, which was fabulous, so I enrolled in another course, and what began from there was a journey into learning to tap into my own power, my own resources, my own peace.
The incredible transformation of feeling into pain, and coming out of it with clarity, has been life changing for me. She gives you tools and guidance to help strengthen your core, and resolve your inner turmoil; which, in turn, helps you navigate your life in a more peaceful, harmonious way; while achieving results you never thought possible.
I can’t recommend Anna’s work highly enough, she is truly a gift."



"Anna gets to the heart of the matter in every issue she addresses. I am continually blown away by what can get dealt with using an activation. After an activation I feel calm, grounded and confident. They really help strengthen my connection to self, and realign with my natural state. Anna is so respectful of everyone's journey. I admire her expertise, commitment, and passion. I highly recommend her."



"I have been working on my situation for 2 years and have not learned or accomplished what you did in these three times we met. For this, Thank You!"

T. (Breakthrough program)


"I feel that you genuinely connect with me, want to help and are determined to see the progress. Thank You!"

T. (Breakthrough program)


"For me, this has been magical. Growing every day. It’s been only 2 weeks and I’ve seen changes. I’m very thankful I found you.”

J. (Breakthrough program)


The vision program revealed emotions behind my disappointments of what I had not accomplished in the past, or haven't accomplished yet, that was setting limits on how I dream in the present. The vision program a way to reveal what might really be in the way.



Anna’s facilitation of the sessions showcased her expertise in the topic together with her mastery of the learning process, yielding a powerful and relevant program that could be immediately applied to current challenges.

Peter Miller, Raytheon Technologies


I have taken two courses with Anna, "Your Masterpiece Course" and "Course Creation Mastery."

Anna’s approach to guiding you is masterful! She provides a two-fold path, first she guides you with energy work to help you feel into your work, which has been a game changer for me, and then she provides a logical, clear path to help you look at your information and how to create a meaningful course.

By helping you clear your energy and what you think you “should” be doing into what feels right, opens you up to a much more creative, intuitive process.

Her knowledge in the Learning and Development field is vast and the logical way she teaches you to think about and outline a course is nothing short of brilliant.

Being a participant in her courses has helped bring clarity, creativity and order to my course.  What was becoming frustrating to me, has been transformed into an exciting, creative process.

Anna is a thoughtful, joyful, knowledgeable presence that helps you brainstorm, shows you possibilities, guides you not only through your course but also in setting it up and packaging it for the world to see.

I haven’t known Anna for a long time, but she has helped me in leaps and bounds over these past 6 months.  I highly recommend her process and her courses.

Debra M. Perillo


If you are wanting to design your dream course, Anna’s Create Your Unforgettable Course will help you achieve this goal.

In addition, learning from Anna was truly an enjoyable experience as she taught and guided you to bring out your best.

Her course helped me obtain clarity, organization, and gave me more confidence in knowing what I built will be comprehensive and expanded as needed.

Before taking Anna’s program, I had written and delivered my own program and delivered for my clients but I was always trying to do to much and not necessarily in the right order.

Anna taught me how to create my map, build out my topics, and how to deliver as a whole course.

Sonja Budreau, MBA CMC
Creator of the "Embrace Your Empowered Self" program
Creative Consulting



I wanted to tell you that I learned so much and that this class pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of comprehending.



"It was a pleasure to attend your class… I wish there were more teachers like you out there."



Anna's learning design and teaching methods are designed in such an effective & impactful way that the learner (I) can stay engaged and take away insightful ideas.


Meet Anna



Anna is the founder, CEO, CLO, and Transformational Teacher and Coach of Edelweiss Group and Edelweiss Academy of Mastery.

She empowers people, businesses, and organizations to grow, succeed, and make a difference in the world from a place of inner bliss, joy, and fulfillment.

She integrates her deep understanding of business and mastery of experiential learning with the practices and techniques for human potential and performance she developed that are rooted in psychology, energy healing, nature, and art to create breakthrough and transformational results for individuals, teams, and organizations. 

Anna has been teaching and coaching for over 20 years starting her path with facilitation of highly experiential business simulations focused on finance, strategy, and leadership for world-class organizations, including GE, Boeing, Praxair, Dell, Microsoft, Unilever, and many others. This is where she gained a deep appreciation for and the art and science of experiential learning.

After 15 years of delivering and designing business simulations internationally, Anna's path brought her into the world of psychology, neuroscience, and energy healing. 

She became certified as a therapist in IFS model and a Certified Energy Codes Facilitator.

Anna integrates her studies and personal practices in psychology, energy healing, nature's wisdom, and art to create powerful and transformational tools and techniques that bring instant results through energy activating meditations and exercises, journaling, questioning, and discovery exercises, nature integration, and art.  

Anna is the creator of the Bloomtica® method a highly experiential process for personal emotional wellness, resilience, and limitless growth. She teaches workshops and programs for individuals, teams, and organizations and certifies other coaches and consultants in this method so they can help more people live better lives with this powerful modality. 

Anna has had the privilege to work with many professionals and organizations that include United Technologies, Trumpf, Thomson Reuters, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, PVH, Praxair, GE, Boeing, Goldman Sachs, Unilever, Microsoft, Praxair, Dell, Hubbell, Exelis, JCPenney, StanleyBlack&Decker, Agilent Technologies, Analog Devices, Electronic Arts, as well as many passion and purpose inspired entrepreneurs empowering them to grow their businesses and make a difference in the world.

Anna holds an MBA in Finance and International Business from Fairfield University, is certified as a therapist in psychological model IFS developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz, is a Certified Energy Codes Facilitator personally studying with Dr. Sue Morter, and has completed other certifications in change management and learning experiences design.

Anna is a frequent speaker and facilitator at various industry events with a focus on personal growth, limitless potential, happy mind, peaceful heart, and nurtured soul, women in leadership, change resilience, impactful learning experiences, transformation of HR, and other topics. Anna has written many articles and ebooks.

Anna is the creator of the Bloomtica® method, The FLOW to Transformation™ and The Flow to Magic systems, and The Lemonade Business Game.

Anna's first book is "Design Learning Experiences that Empower Change and Growth."

Anna enjoys being in nature, gardening, paddleboarding, swimming, skiing, listening to non-fiction audiobooks, photography, and creating unique art. 

"It will be my honor to empower and guide you on your path to living your dreams, so collectively we make the world a happier place" - Anna Annette


Other ways to work with Anna

If you prefer a 1:1 experience with more tailored, more individual approach specific to you that would help to take deeper dives and accelerate your next level of being vibrant, radiant, confident, and successful you while feeling whole and happy, reach out to explore options and see if this will be right format for you.

Reach out >>