Attuned and Powerful


Operating with a new understanding of how we can create anything we want, in the new state of being and feeling takes continuous practice and experimentation.

Everyone has a unique blend of patterns and beliefs that impact how we feel, think, process, act and react. 

In this next level program after the Breakthrough, you will:

Integrate, embody, and expand further your new state of being, feeling, and doing, and continue to: 

  • Discover yourself and the true you 
  • Clear barriers to believing in yourself
  • Discover and clear the underlying patterns and beliefs of what's holding you back, makes you doubt or feel less than
  • Uncover and clear saboteurs that lead you to play smaller than you are
  • Dissolve things that make you second-guess and feel unsure 
  • Clear what makes you question yourself and your choices 
  • Learn new concepts and techniques to be the powerful you

So you: 

  • Create and easily access your inner peace
  • Feel confident in your own skin 
  • Know who you are and your power
  • Feel free and certain to be yourself regardless of the circumstance
  • Trust your decisions and your choices
  • Be unaffected by what others say or do
  • Achieve any goals you set while being authentic you
  • Feel certain in uncertainty
  • Develop unwavering belief in yourself, your dreams, your intuition, and your path
  • Embody and sustain your new state of being and feeling.

We will cover 

  • Professional and business growth
  • Professional relationships
  • Personal life
  • Home
  • Friends and social life
  • Family
  • Health

So you feel free to be yourself, whole, certain, in your power, and experience joy and abundance in all areas of your life.

Program Format

A powerful combination of:

  • Live sessions with practical exercises, coaching, and Q&A
  • Recorded videos with concepts and teachings
  • Experiential activations and techniques
  • Worksheets with exercises 
  • Touchpoints and Q&A via e-mail and messenger 

Program Options

Attuned and Powerful 6.1

6 months. Each month includes:

  • One live virtual session with concepts, experiential exercises, coaching, and Q&A (6 total)
  • Two activations (12 total)
  • Two video lessons with new concepts and teachings (12 total)
  • Weekly touchpoints and Q&A via e-mail (unlimited)
  • Worksheets with exercises (unlimited)

Attuned and Powerful 6.2

6 months. Each month includes:

  • Two live virtual sessions with concepts, experiential exercises, coaching, and Q&A (12 total)
  • Two activations (12 total)
  • Two video lessons with new concepts and teachings (12 total)
  • Weekly touchpoints and Q&A via e-mail (unlimited)
  • Worksheets with exercises (unlimited)