7 Days of Gratitude - Day 5

 You're doing amazing!

Today, we invite to tap into:

  1. A situation when someone made you smile. It can be a very small event. It can be a child or an adult. Can you feel a sense of gratitude for this person?

Breathe in slowly and feel the feeling of gratitude for this person. Breathe out.


  1. A situation that in your view was pure luck and someone made a difference for you in that situation. Can you feel a sense of gratitude for this person?

Breathe in slowly and feel the feeling of gratitude for this person. Breathe out.

  1. A profound difference someone made in your life. Can you feel a sense of gratitude for this person?

    Breathe in slowly and feel the feeling of gratitude for this person. Breathe out.


Breathe in slowly and feel the feeling of gratitude for these people.

Imagine, you have a clear ball in your hands. Imagine how you are filling it up with the light of your gratitude. When the ball is filled, send the ball of your gratitude to these people. 


It’s important that you feel genuine gratitude for these people. If anything is triggering sad feelings, embrace them, acknowledge them.  And then see if you want to continue your gratitude practice with this person in mind or if you want to change it.

Breathe in slowly. Let your heart fill up with the feeling of gratitude. 

Take a piece of paper or your gratitude journal and write:

I'm grateful for ....  He/she .....

I'm grateful for ..... He/she .....

I'm grateful for ....  He/she .....

Remember, the feeling of gratitude is in your heart, not your mind.

7 Days of Gratitude - Reflection


What came up for you during or after this exercise? ______________________

What did you notice about your thoughts and how you felt? ________________

If you feel compelled, share with us via email team@edelweisslearning.com


Want a reminder?

If you want a reminder of the daily technique and don't want to miss it when it's published here or on social media, email us team@edelweisslearning.com.

We will get you set up for daily techniques of gratitude by email.

Questions? Need Help?

If you have any questions or not sure where to begin or what's right for you, reach out to team@edelweiss.academy, and we'll be in touch with you.